Superior Security with Native Yield Abstraction

  • Protocol Selection: Wallchain incorporates protocols that are rigorously vetted for their security standards, empowering users with the flexibility to opt-in or out as they prefer.

  • Automated Safeguards: In the event of a protocol compromise, Wallchain is designed to automatically withdraw assets of users into their wallets immediately.

  • Insurance for Top Contributors: Wallchain provides insurance coverage to its most active contributors.

  • Precise Session Keys: Session keys are restricted to execute only specific actions such as deposits and withdrawals. This ensures user’s crypto cannot be moved anywhere where user is not in control of it.

  • Gas Fees Managed by Wallchain: Users are not paying for gas fees used for deposits and withdrawals. Therefore user is not exposed to depriovation of their funds by spending too much gas.

  • Revocable Access: Users maintain the ultimate authority to revoke session keys at any moment, ensuring personal control over their assets.


Wallchain bases its security on a transparent permission system and stringent protocols, ensuring users maintain complete control over their assets with the added benefit of Wallchain covering all gas fees.