API Overview
The overview of the API based on the chains and wallets
How to Integrate
The structure of the entities considered by our API is as follows.
Controlling deposits
Un-deposit for certain wallet/chain/token
To forcefully withdraw funds and pause the auto-depositing mechanism for a certain time
POST /v1/:walletId/:networkId/:tokenAddress/withdraw?pause=<duration>
POST /v1/:walletId/:networkId/withdraw?pause=<duration>
POST /v1/:walletId/withdraw?pause=<duration>
Get information on the amount of money accrued for certain chain/token
GET /v1/:walletId/:networkId/yieldAccrued
GET /v1/:walletId/:tokenAddress/yieldAccrued
GET /v1/:walletId/yieldAccrued
GET /v1/providers/:networkId
Get a list of supported yield providers