Example section for showcasing API endpoints
How to Integrate
The structure of the entities considered by the API is as follows.
Controlling deposits
Withdraw for certain wallet/chain/token
To forcefully withdraw funds and pause the auto-depositing mechanism for a certain time
POST /v1/:walletId/:networkId/:tokenAddress/withdraw?pause=<duration>
POST /v1/:walletId/:networkId/withdraw?pause=<duration>
POST /v1/:walletId/withdraw?pause=<duration>
Get information on the amount of money accrued for certain chain/token
GET /v1/:walletId/:networkId/yieldAccrued
GET /v1/:walletId/:tokenAddress/yieldAccrued
GET /v1/:walletId/yieldAccrued
GET /v1/providers/:networkId
Get a list of supported yield providers